Having trouble finding answers and resources for your pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding and related questions?
Join our meeting, consult with me, certified doula Maiysha Campbell, and connect with other local mothers for education, empowerment and motherhood community Bring your questions and/or concerns related to the childbearing year. Topics could include: • Childbirth preparation including natural childbirth, hospital vs birthing center vs home births • The importance of nutrition during the childbearing year • Breastfeeding tips and solutions. Yes, you can breastfeed! • Parenting • Sleeping • What it is doulas do, understand how dads/partners and doulas work together, and discover how to find the right doula for you. Please bring any and all questions related to the childbearing year. We will have a women’s only space so that all of us can feel comfortable sharing intimate details. June 4th, 2011 from 3:00pm until 6:00pm409 Morris Park Ave, Bronx, NY 10460RSVP email: [email protected]Cost: $30, payable at the meeting.If I have to reschedule for a birth, I will notify by email the day of the event.
1 Comment
I don't know how I got on the mailing list for this catalog, Independent Living Aids. It has supplies for people who are elderly and/or disabled. So I looked through it, considered buying a clock with humongous numbers. For what? I don't know. And then I came upon food bumpers. These little gizmo's are designed to help keep food from sliding off the plate when you are eating with one hand. I remember how difficult it was for me to eat one-handed when I was breastfeeding. Carefully cajoling the food onto the fork or spoon trying not to push it off the plate, and trying to not get overly frustrated and starving! Oy vey. Eureka I thought! This would be great for nursing moms! They also have a plate with a bumper. You could just find a dish that had a similar design, with a pronounced lip, to help. But the plate in the catalog also has a non-skid bottom--genius!
Bumpers: http://www.independentliving.com/prodinfo.asp?number=327540One handed plate: http://www.independentliving.com/prodinfo.asp?number=384360 Spill-proof bowls. Good for you now, good for your toddler later: http://www.independentliving.com/prodinfo.asp?number=356800http://www.independentliving.com/prodinfo.asp?number=356802And don't forget your Knork!http://www.independentliving.com/prodinfo.asp?number=182368Happy nursing!love,Maiysha |
Maiysha Campbell
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July 2019